Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.Luke 10:19
God’s power manifests when we use the authority given to us in Christ....
The word “authority” denotes permission. It denotes privilege; it denotes power; it denotes rule, control, influence. When someone has authority, that means they’re on top of other people. They have responsibility beyond the norm. They are able to determine things, to decide things, to render judgments, to wield certain rights and privileges. And we say in the home there’s authority, resting with the Father, with the parents. In the government there are authorities: the police and those who govern us. In the schools there are authorities. Often we witness authority being misused and misconstrued
But there is one who has authority that surpasses all other authorities. In Matthew chapter 28, verse 18, Jesus said this, “All authority is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.” “All authority is given unto Me” – that is an amazing claim to privilege.
This authority is given to us by Jesus so that we can reign in this world (Luke 10:19) . That’s the principle in the Kingdom of God, its not to rejoice in your authority over submission of spirits. But rather that your relationship with the Father needs to be ,one more step higher . Your names ,as citizens of heaven is once again reaffirmed . Luke 10: 20 Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” When we operate our authority through Jesus , we transfer that atmosphere or governance of heaven into this world and our situations. We represent who we truly are. We start operating from above ,rather than from the earth . We start behaving like a heavenly citizen.
Observe , how Jesus operated, while on earth . He always operated from the kingdom of God, we can observe it ,in all his conversations. The kingdom of heaven is among us and we need to tap into it by a mustard seed faith. Mat 17: 20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
No affliction will affect the tents of Jacob...says the word....Its a life to be lived as King and a priest...
His will for us , is always good. “Thy kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven.” His word and promises always come to pass . It’s the heavenly kingdom which has to be established on earth , this was the focus of Jesus ministry . Thats how, he wants us to operate in this world. The Centurion once again witnessed, what authority is , when Jesus sent a word to heal his servant. Jesus responded to Pilate about his identity , John 18: 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world; if it were, My servants would fight to prevent My arrest by the Jews. But now, My kingdom is not of this realm.”
.No power of the enemy will touch us unless we give it the permission and are neglectful about our authority as children of promise . When we encounter our situations from earthly perspective, wisdom and know-how, it generally leads us into anxiety , fear and an unsettling mind. Its because we do not know about tomorrow . But the results of operating from the kingdom of heaven is always with clarity , joy , peace & righteousness. We need to set our minds from above . It gives you an understanding that God will take care of the alarming situation and He has full picture about the situation, though we are not aware of it now. What is hidden to us , is not hidden for Christ . Unlike us, Christ doesn’t panic over a situation . (Rom 14: 17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, ) . God operates with the faith of a mustard seed we sow. We just need to sow that seed of faith . It is God who will bring about the fullness of growth of that seed. Rest assured , he will not compromise his glory to any human being or any human idol . All the glory , power & knowledge of any human situation is revealed as Light flowing into our hearts from darkness or ignorance of our hearts . All this is accomplished through the King of kings and LORD of Lords , Christ Jesus. We can display our heavenly authority when we believe and affirm ourselves , that Christ truly has full knowledge and claim over our situations, like the Centurion, the Cananite woman ….Thats when the Kingdom of God invades our earthly realm and situations. Its something we need to apply and activate in the present tense from our inner spirit .
Martha & Mariya and the people at Bethany were not able to perceive their dead brother coming back to life . Like us , they operated from an earthly realm . The whole place was reporting a viral news that, Lazarus was already dead. But Jesus operated and behaved , like one from the heaven . He operated from above . He was sure about the eventual joy, peace and righteousness of their situation. When He heard the viral report of Lazarus death , the first response was, to say NO to it and was able to apply his authority . He replied that it is only for the Glory of God . John 11: 4 When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”
The first thing Jesus did was to deny the viral report , Instead ,He revealed the light of the knowledge of the situation, thus displaying God’s Glory . We are called to administer this kind of authority .
2Cor 4: 6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.
May God bless all our brothers , communities and nations..
Are some viral reports replacing our rights and authority in Christ ? What reports are we meditating on ?
A small mustard seed faith is enough to Coronate ourselves once again as children of God .